Services / Business Set Up / Trademark Registrations

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Trademark Registrations

Trademark registration is important for all of Indonesia’s company owners who intend to adequately defend their intellectual property rights.

Trademark registration in Indonesia helps protect the owner’s rights and ability tofile legal action against unauthorised use of their trademarks.

In general, a trademark is defined as anything that distinctly separates a person, a firm or legal entity. It is considered intellectual property (IP), and therefore the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) is the primary authority body approving trademark applications.

The entire process of trademark application, including processing and approval, usually takes anywhere from 12 months to 24 months. Once this has been completed, the Indonesia Trademark Database (WIPO) will add the trademark to its list. An applicant will have to pay for pre-filing searches, requests for registration, final registration, and the registration certificate.

Having a trademark certificate means you have real evidence that you are the rightful owner of the trademark used by other parties. Trademark registration will protect your brand from infringement.

Your trademark tells what your business is, what your products or services are and the value you stand for. A trademark is usually leveraged as part of branding and marketing strategies.

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