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LKPM Report

Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) stands for the Investment Activity Report in Indonesia. When you have a plan to set up a company in Indonesia and start doing business in Indonesia, you need to understand about LKPM.

Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) requires businesses to submit this report periodically that consist of the data regarding the development of investment realization and the problems faced by the investors.

The LKPM report has a function to monitor and evaluate the progress of implementation investements that received investements permits.

LKPM Report Submission

When to submit LKPM Report?
The LKPM reporting deadline varies based on the company’s legal entity and development process stage. Companies that are still in the development process are to report periodically every 3 months, as the following:

BKPM Reporting Procedure

BKPM Reporting Procedure
Companies must submit the LKPM in accordance with the forms provided in the BKPM Regulation on LKPM. This can be done in several ways:

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